Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Rio Grande Gorge

Three of us--a U of NM driver and another attendee and I set off for the Rio Grande Gorge on the way to the Harwood Museum this morning. Quite a detour, but well worth the 10 or so extra miles out to see it. Shades of the Grand Canyon on a tiny scale, but a wonderful break from all the long, wide expanse of sagebrush desert in all directions around Taos. I didn't know this existed, so it was an unexpected surprise to my morning.

These excursions prove to be a refreshing break from the workshops, fun as they may be. The conference organizers schedule the classes for half days for this very purpose--to see the sights. And I am . . .


Unknown said...

"a U of NM driver and another attendee and me set off for the Rio Grande Gorge..."

Nancy! Shame on you! Would you say "ME set off for the Rio Grande Gorge..."? tsk. ;-)

Big Yellow Daisy said...

Hmm...I guess that's why we have editors, huh? Me thinks so....Me is happy you are reading me blog, Marcie. Me is laughing now. :-D