Saturday, July 19, 2008


What are the chances of not only seeing someone with my name here, but he's in my class this weekend, too -- Gale Gorman from Houston, Texas. I just had to have a picture taken of us with our name tags. I don't think we're really related, though, as all the Gormans in my family had lots of girls, few boys, (of which even fewer survived) or no kids at all. So I don't really have cousins out there to speak of, at least none with the Gorman name. We got a kick out of it, though, and I call him "Cousin."

More stormy weather here in Taos. It's different every day, every hour, and every minute. And the best part is the smell of wet sagebrush afterwards.

On my walk, I found this bunny who stood there long enough for me to take a pretty closeup photo. He was a highlight, and who can resist a bunny?

Last day of the conference tomorrow. It's been great and I've learned a lot. Now to put it all to use!

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