Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lady Chatterly's Lover

The conference shuttle vans took a dozen of us to the D.H. Lawrence Ranch, a 45 minute drive from the Sagebrush Inn. This is where D.H. Lawrence lived for several months over the course of a couple of years back in the early 1920s. He worked on some of his novels there, and I got to touch his old typewriter on his old desk, in the cabin where he stayed. This is his bedroom and living room, too.

Georgia O'Keefe was also a visitor and painted a famous work of hers here--the big old tree in the front.

There's something magical about tromping about in the places where these luminaries once lived.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

This is a comment from me, the author, to keep this blog alive and "current." :-)